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Healthy Early Years Award (HEYA)

Olive Tree Pre-school are currently undertaking the Southampton HEYA award. This award scheme offers a unique opportunity for settings to work towards a quality assured programme, helping to improve the health and wellbeing for under 5s’. In February 2020 the setting was awarded the Bronze Standard in physical activity.


Helping families to make healthier choices remains a national focus. In Southampton, obesity rates are similar to the England average, but these levels are still unacceptably high.  Therefore, addressing obesity, through healthier nutrition and physical activity choices in addition to improving oral health is a priority for the city. Participating in the award will help provide a healthier environment for children in our care.  It will help families to make positive choices and provides practical support and training for our early year’s practitioners.

Southampton’s HEYA was originally developed in 2009 and in 2017 was redesigned and piloted, to make it more accessible and practical to achieve.


There are six stand-alone awards at three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Settings begin with bronze awards in Healthy Eating and / or  Physical Activity. Once both have been achieved settings can, if they wish, choose to move on to silver. At this level there are three awards to choose from, Healthy Eating Healthy Mouth and  Physical Activity. Settings who undertake and complete all three awards will have the opportunity to move on to obtain the HEYA Gold award.


All awards are valid for three years and all progression steps must be taken within the 3 year period. 

Physical Activity

As a child care provider, our setting has given thought to how indoor and outdoor spaces can support and enhance children’s experience and opportunity for active play and allow children to move freely between both environments.  We are undergoing assessments to receive a bronze award in physical activity which will enable us to apply for the Silver at a later date.


Our setting’s objectives will be to …


  • To be a positive role model to all children.

  • To ensure that all children are encouraged and provided opportunity to meet the national guidelines in respect of physical activity of 180 minutes a day pro-rata to the time spent in our care, taking into account varying abilities.

  • To provide age-appropriate resources for active play.

  • To provide opportunity for all children to practice a wide range of physical activity coordinating and using both fine and gross motor skills.

  • To encourage active travel within our setting and amongst families e.g. park and stride schemes.

  • To encourage and ensure opportunity exists for both indoor and outdoor play on a daily basis.

  • To allow children to be independent when playing and to take reasonable risks to allow them to develop their physical skills.

  • To limit screen-based time to a maximum of one hour a day pro-rata to the time spent in our care.


We feel that by entering into this award scheme will, not only benefit the children, but the families as whole.


For more information please see the fact sheet below or speak to a member of staff.

HEYA medal Bronze (Physical Activity).jp
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